warns that the coronavirus outbreak could get much worse as the number of deaths exceeds the total from sars. risk assets retreat, stocks start the week on a down week as wti crude covers around $50. opec says an extraordinary meeting is unlikely. a bloomberg exclusive, french insurer cobia is in advanced talks to buy the agnelli billion business for $9 in cash. it would be a big payday. we are under an hour away on the trading insh equity europe. futures trading down in terms of equity futures. in europe, after a bit of a drop in stocks at the end of the week last week, last week was a good week for stocks in general. for the s&p 500, it was the best in eight months. u.s. futures are going up. they had a nasty friday but looks like investors are willing to bet on the futures monday morning. s&p futures are up .2%. interesting to see those futures moving higher. it did select the ability to get seem the ability to get back to work in china lifted futures. the asian session
we don t know exactly how the whole board really panned out. but i think for now, the chairman should be replaced. the chairman should be replaced. if he really cares about the organization, if he really cared about credit suisse, he would step down as chairman. this would really spring stability and allow the opportunity for a true fresh start. but as long as mr. rohner is questionsre will be about who is going to be the next one to be pushed out. so i think the best thing for andanization would be when the board made this change, they did say leave it in 2021. that s not good enough. he should leave immediately. francine: david herro, thank you so much for your time. he s the chief investment officer at harris associates and a top credit suisse shareholder. this is bloomberg. alix: credit suisse bombshell. unexpectedly janet john tr ceo tid .hiam unexpected live resigns and president trump praises the u.s. economy, and now the economy has to prove itself. the latest