Trial within the next six months and that does not sit well with those on the right. Im pissed, this is over and over again. This is disgraceful, we have never indicted former president and a leading candidate for president and this is joe biden and democrats weaponizing the Justice System because they are afraid of the voters. This is disgraceful and it is abuse of power by angry democrats who decided the rule of law doesnt matter to them anymore. Todd Brooke Singman spoke with former President Trump last night. Brooke i did speak with the former president and he says fourth indictment comes during a dark period for our country, but he wont let it stop him. President trump told me this politically inspired indictment, which could have been brought three years ago is smack dab in the middle of my political campaign, where i lead all republicans. Trump was indicted last night along with 18 others, Rudy Giuliani, john eastman, Sydney Powell and mark meadows. The charges come after year l
Religion, throughout human history, has played a key role in shaping cultures and societies. It's a source of inspiration, comfort, and moral guidance for
Ten obscure but very good horror movies from the 60s and 70s. Starring Barbara Steele and Christopher Lee, David Niven and Sharon Tate. Directors as varied as Jesús Franco and Ingmar Bergman. I wasn’t allowed to watch them as a kid, but now revenge is mine!
first of all, let me introduce myself, i am the tribe of oklahoma, billy dekeman, my adopted name. the redskins name, the myth it means bloody scalp is what we re trying to dispel, it is status symbol for elite warriors. only elite warriors could participate in the blood ceremony to go into battle. it says in the fight song, the imagery is the chief, a real person. they say you need to get rid of a mascot. we don t have a mascot, that is a real person. that was gifted to the n.f.l. by the blackfoot, that is one of