msnbc, now. herman cain suspended his bid for the presidential nomination this afternoon. this comes five days after a woman claimed to have an affair with him. cain continues to deny all allegations of sexual misconduct. jerry sandusky breaks his silence in an interview and says they twisted his relationship with students and denies as well abuse charges. now, more on cradle to grave. after nearly two decades of investigation, the philadelphia medical examiner s office was baffled by the unexplained deaths of six of arthur and marie noe s children. one other baby was stillborn and another died hours after birth of a blood abnormality.
up with was dr. depena and dr. halbert fillinger who had recently joined the medical examiner s staff as an assistant medical examiner, got a grant. the grant was that they could offer the noes free medical care in order to allow them to monitor mrs. noe s pregnancy and her childbirth and the child s life after the child was born. but the noes rejected the offer. the noes were told by their doctor, and they told this to me, that they shouldn t get involved with this study because these big highfalutin doctors in the medical examiner s office were going to take their baby away from them. in 1963, theresa, the eighth child was born. she died after only six hours from a blood abnormality. dr. salvatore cuciatta, who delivered theresa, said he also recommended marie noe get additional care and psychiatric treatment beyond what she was getting from her primary care physician, dr. gangemi. but this offer was also rejected.
medical examiner, got a grant. the grant was that they could offer the noes free medical care in order to allow them to monitor mrs. noe s pregnancy and her childbirth and the child s life after the child was born. but the noes rejected the offer. the noes were told by their doctor, and they told this to me, that they shouldn t get involved with this study because these big highfalutin doctors in the medical examiner s office were going to take their baby away from them. in 1963, theresa, the eighth child was born. she died after only six hours from a blood abnormality. dr. salvatore cuciatta, who delivered theresa, said he also recommended marie noe get additional care and psychiatric treatment beyond what she was getting from her primary care physician, dr. gangemi. but this offer was also rejected. it was a pattern in those days that the family doctor would refer their maternity
of a blood abnormality. none of the babies lived longer than six months. neither the medical examiner s office nor the police had any hard evidence that the couple had harmed any of their children. and marie noe continued to have babies. catherine, the noes ninth baby, was born in december of 1964. she lived longer than any of her brothers and sisters. long enough, for example, to have this portrait taken. the baby was kept in the hospital because they were afraid to let the baby go home. one doctor later told an investigator that he hoped catherine would live until her fingernails grew long enough so she could defend herself. after three months, catherine went home. that s when her problems began. marie noe called her doctor constantly. mrs. noe called him sometimes four or five times a day, asking his advice and complaining that the baby is getting on her nerves and she couldn t take all that crying constantly. once a nurse reported she saw her trying to feed the baby sayi
halbert fillinger, who had recently joined the medical examiner s staff as an assistant medical examiner, got a grant. the grant was that they could offer the noes free medical care in order to allow them to monitor mrs. noe s pregnancy and her childbirth and the child s life after the child was born. but the noes rejected the offer. the noes were told by their doctor, and they told this to me, that they shouldn t get involved with this study because these big highfalutin doctors in the medical examiner s office were going to take their baby away from them. in 1963, theresa, the eighth child was born. she died after only six hours from a blood abnormality. dr. salvatore cuciatta, who delivered theresa, said he also recommended marie noe get additional care and psychiatric treatment beyond what she was getting from her primary care physician, dr. gangemi. but this offer was also rejected. it was a pattern in those days that the family doctor