Tyler of the comIcally camp entered Into, campIng, Abc News was anythIng but faIr Imbalance when It came to the showdown the moderators davId MIer And Gma LInsey DavIs asked truck tougher questIons wIth more followups and fIve correctIons of what he saId compared to 0 for VIce PresIdent harrIs, the bIas was absolutely unmIstakable. The cronyIsm and curIng between abc moderators and the Democrat Party was on full dIsplay. DavId mIer dId not say madam VIce PresIdent are you goIng to answer that questIon where he dId do that would trump. Heres what look lIke. I made that very clear In 2020, I wIll not be In frackIng. Thats not true she saId Joe BIden would oppose frackIng. Donald trump, the candIdate has saId In the selectIon there wIll be a bloodbath If thIs In the outcome of thIs electIon Is not to hIs lIkIng. NothIng from abc even though It was establIshed long ago that trump was talkIng about a bloodbath for the auto Industry. It was the same story when harrIs accused trump of wantIng
[laughter] greg: yeah! yeah! [laughter] tony orlando? his sorry. [laughter] happy monday, everyone. So with kamala harris preparing for tomorrow s debate at a former aide to hillary clinton is playing trump in mock rehearsals. So if harris loses in that guy goes missing, you know who to blame. [laughter] i m not saying she kills people. But i m not not saying it. Know the debate is planned for 90 minutes which gives kamala s has been dug enough time to knock up three nineties. [laughter] meantime donald trump is busy trying to make kamala feel at home by also knocking up in 90. [laughter] the debate is expected to feature two commercial breaks one break to take kamala s wine order, and the other to take her second wine order. Nancy pelosi claim that trump might get the debate, saying i know cowardice when i see it. Drew clark is the fear that she seize on her husband s eyes when she puts on a onepiece. [laughter] [applause] you discussed me expo one times posters claim harris is fallin
VIce presIdent Kamala HarrIs Is facIng questIons how to answer on several of her past far left posItIons. We have not seen her do a News Conference In the 50 days that she has been announced as the presIdent Ial candIdate on the left. And now her posItIons are wafflIng In the wInd. We dIdnt really know where they were to begIn wIth except for they were far left. Now someone just saId the quIet part out loud. The truth about Kamala HarrIs. Well get to It. Im HarrIs Faulkner and you are In the faulkner focus. Well, here he Is, senator BernIe Sanders, a selfprofessed DemocratIc SocIalIst may have just told us exactly why Kamala HarrIs Is flIpfloppIng. I dont thInk she Is abandonIng her Ideals. I thInk she Is tryIng to be pragmatIc and doIng what she thInks Is rIght In order to wIn the electIon. Do you consIder VIce PresIdent harrIs to be progressIve, senator . I do. Her vIews are not mIne but I consIder her a progressIve. HarrIs he would be the expert pretty much on that. He Is the most f
Ideals . I dont think she is abandoning her ideals but trying to be pragmatic and what is right in order to win the election. Bill thats why they call it live tv. Senator sanders suggesting that Kamala Harris is still just as liberal as ever. How will she explain the reported pivots on the issues . We all wait. Hope you had a glorious weekend. A new week begins now. Im bill hemmer. Dana im Dana Perino and this the americas newsroom. Senator sanders reminds me of when the Bush Campaign found the video of John Kerry saying i voted for it before i voted against it and became the thing. Yes, trump is trying to define harris as a radical liberal leftist. Bernie sanders says let me help you, sir. The Vice President is looking to win over skeptical Voters Tomorrow Night as a Poll Shows President Trump leading by One Point nationally. Suggesting her momentum is stalling. Bill the Harris Team projecting confidence saying theyre exactly where they expected to be at this point. Our Campaign Chair
Was a fair debate, and he was down like 18 or 19 points after the debate. And i hate mosquitoes. I am surprised i didnt think we dont like mosquitoes running around. We want nothing to do with them. But, we want nothing to do with bad politicians that hate our country, too. Okay, a little bit of the weave there. The weave was happening. Yeah, did he ever get back to the point . The question is. The man who says he should be able to interfere in u. S. Elections the question is, did he get back to the point . Donald trump in pennsylvania getting distracted by his nemesis. Mosquitoes. You know, we all have our nemesis. We all have things that bother us. We all do. If you have a lot of makeup On And its hot last thing you want is keeters. You know, mike if you go back through time, Abraham Lincoln of course his nemesis was people that were trying to divide the country. His nemesis was slavery. Fdr, of course, it was nazis. Marten luther king, of Course Racism in america, segregation. And t