i m choking up. this is what it is all about. the workers also attached a transmitter to the eagle so they can make sure she stays safe in the wild. well, you can watch republican presidential frontrunner donald trump when he joins chris wallace tomorrow, it will be a blockbuster show. check out the answers, one said if bush is responsible for 9/11 should we hold fdr responsible for the attack on pearl harbor? one says, will you use trump air or air force one? one says what steps will you bring
reporter: who couldn t make it to sochi because of their baby on the way, had to watch from home. we were all screaming on the edge of our seat. i had the chair pulled all the way up to the tv. reporter: the first two words exchanged between the two? a text message. did she text back? yeah, she did. take your time and made a little joke that she was nervous. reporter: matt gutman from sochi. that s cute. now u.s. going into quarters number two. the blockbuster show house of cards, it s back. i know you re happy about that. next, a look at one of the most fascinating and diabolical characters on tv. ahead in our next half hour the little girl whose i.q. is the same as einstein s. when her parents first realized how special she really is. you re watching world news now. announcer: world news now
intended. halloween which created by this guy renning gear, this company company maker guy, it was called chicken. rick reichmuth would appreciate this. when the full moon. thousand happened, 19556789 next time it s set to happen is 2000 20. iconic images of halloween full moon. do you know what a blue moon is. i do. once in a blue moon. what is it? the second full moon in one season. no, it s two full moons in one month. actually the third full moon. [ buzzer ] it is not. three full moons in a month. third full moon in a season when there are four full moons. rick and i got in this debate. san said all the guests. it was a blockbuster show, it rate really well.
think they are effective and make the point. thank you for being with us. time to check in with greta van susteren. greta: blockbuster show, congressman ron paul and p pal pal and john bolton and much more. you don t want to miss the show. as soon as you finish, you need to sit down and watch the show. sounds like a great show. don t go anywhere. the great american panel is next. [ telephone rings ] [ laughs ] [ mayhem ] please continue to hold. the next available claims representative will be with you in 97 minutes. [ laughs ] and if you ve got cut rate insurance, there s nothing you can do about this. so get allstate. the only insurance company that guarantees your claim experience won t be mayhem. like me. [ dennis ] introducing the claim satisfaction guarantee. only from allstate. dollar for dollar,
of you. thank you. you re not going to want to miss andrea mitchell reports. there be there a blockbuster show at 1:00 p.m. on msnbc. you ll recall ronald goldman was brutally killed along with nicole simpson. fred goldman joins me with his insit insights into the casey anthony verdict and sent tentsing. control your budget?