Shares of Sapphire Foods India, a restaurant and food services firm, rose by 4% to reach Rs 1,448.2 in Tuesday s trade on BSE after a block deal reportedly took place on the counter, with the transaction of 30.3 lakh shares of the firm at Rs 1,377 per share. Bloomberg reported that the KFC and Pizza Hut s India holder was probably going to sell three million shares in a block deal as well. The block deal was anticipated to enable the shareholder to divest a portion of their holdings in Sapphire Foods India for Rs 1,345-1,391 per share.
HDFC has purchased an additional 0.7% stake in HDFC Life through open market transactions. The deal was executed at an average price of Rs 667. HDFC already owns around 48.65% stake in the subsidiary. Once HDFC twins merger is complete, HDFC Bank will be 100% owned by public shareholders, with HDFC holding only 41% stake in the bank. HDFC shareholders will receive 42 shares of HDFC Bank for every 25 shares they hold.
Stocks that saw big block deals this week: Shriram Finance, Timken India and HDFC AMC (Asset Management Co) were among stocks that saw huge block deals this week, data available with Nuvama Research suggested. Check all stocks that saw big block deals this week.
Landmark Cars, which got listed on December 23 last year, has jumped 31 per cent to Rs 663.60 on Thursday over its issue price of Rs 506. TPG Growth II SF Pte was also among selling shareholders in the offer for sale.