monitor the blimp, which is trailing around cable, snapping power lines and causing about 30,000 outages. to most onlookers, the sight may have come an a shock, but to longtime observer of the budgeting process, that is a legendary icon of waste and bureaucracy, last month an in-depth report on the jlens, the 2.7 billion blimp program, which has consistently failed to detect intruders in america airspace including a florida postal worker who landed on. it was saved allegedly after lobbying by a joint chiefs of staff, a general who went on to sit on the board of the main contractor.
monitor the blimp, which is trailing around cable, snapping power lines and causing about 30,000 outages. to most onlookers, the sight may have come an a shock, but to longtime observer of the budgeting process, that is a legendary icon of waste and bureaucracy, last month an in-depth report on the jlens, the 2.7 billion blimp program, which has consistently failed to detect intruders in america airspace including a florida postal worker who landed on t. it was saved allegedly after lobbying by a joint chiefs of staff, a general who went on to sit on the board of the main