beatification, but, even more so, because, today, the one proclaimed blessed is a pope, the successor of peter, one who was called to confirm his brethren in the faith. john paul ii is blessed, because of his faith, a strong, generous, and apostolic faith. we think at once of another beatitude, blessed are you, simon, son of jonah, for flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but my father in heaven. what did our heavenly father reveal to simon? that jesus is the christ, the son of the living god. because of this faith, simon becomes peter, the rock on which jesus can build his church. the eternal beatitude of john
and together with blessed john paul ii the to renew our love to the blessed virgin mary, mother of the church. and rejoyce the virgin mary, hallelujah, the lord has truly risen, hallelujah. let us pray. oh, god, with the resurrection of thy son the lord jesus christ gave us joy to the world and through the session of virgin mary, we have enjoy the everlasting life, through jesus christ, glory be to the father, son, and the holy spirit, and glory as it shall be, world without end, amen.
assassination attempt and parkenson s. and the first attempt at sainthood and miracle with him, with marie pierre, the french nun who says she s been cured of parken son s because she prayed to the pontiff. father, what s the next step and what can we expect in the next couple of years? so, there s been thousands of apparent o-supposed miracles submitted to the congregation to the cause of the saints. house of letters saying, not only was there a big miracle like healing park son s, but i had a job and ended up healing had a relationship that was broken. i had fallen into sin and got back up. those are the real life miracles through the intersession of john paul ii people are claiming. the next step though is to choose one of those that doctors can say, there is no natural explanation for this,
unanimous approval and accepted the authenticity of the miracle, clearing the way for blessed john paul s beatification. we hear the combined choirs now singing, a him, composed on the 50th anniversary of john paul s priestly ordination. as the holy father mentioned in his homily, and talked of john paul s complete confidence in mary. it is important to remember that john paul, today, declared
he welcomes all from poland as well as through television and radio in poland and asking that blessed john paul ii may bless his home country of pola poland. [applaus [applause] and now the italian language. the he greets the president of the republic.