emotions you d expect from a leader predicting the deaths of human beings from starvation . none of that, and said there it was pure, nonchalant, descr casual this biden could havee been describing the weather or a trip to the dry cleaners ap is going to be real. then biden continued recounting a conversationallies with european allies.e to he toldld u us all about it n he met with the group. biden said they spoke about, quote, how we could increaseinat and disseminate more rapidly food shortages. mothat s what joe biden said verbatim. verbatn tape. soim o here you have the presidt of the united states pledging to increase food shortagesease t a press conference that seemed like a newsworthy event, but not a single news organization in this country seemed to notice it happeneind, nor did the white house correct it. but others were watching. so within days, that clip wound up on social media and facebook flaggeds fals immediately as , quote, false news. now, strictl
but no one could tell. the bush administration had nosn answers and no way to get n to the answers because they hadh no data. , and that s interesting becauseye the video administration tracks a lot of things, the things that it care aboths about, the e and ethnicity and life, for p example, of every person in america. do we have enough trans pacific. islanders playing woodwinds in majot gar symphonies? how about southeast asians ineh the long haul trucking? bu these are the questions thatm concern the bean counters in administration kation. and yet at the same time, that same administration keeps no realal records about the infrastructure of our food supply. apparently that has never occurred. to them.er. so honestly, we can t really know one way or the othera because we don t have a baseline whether something strange is going on with food supplieroos. do but some days you do wonderon on saturday, an enormous grou commercial egg farm in central connecticut burned to the groundo ob