governance structure within fifa. who is going to stand up at fifa house, a few hundred yards to my left, and say, sepp, it s time to leave. he s been there 40 years. he s always been a teflon don when it comes to avoiding controversy. this is a major blow, though, and the scrutiny is very, very largely on sepp blatter again. and alex, this is only talking about the investigation in switzerland. there is also an investigation in the united states that s still ongoing, correct? reporter: yeah. i was here two weeks ago for a joint news conference, unprecedented, between u.s. attorney general loretta lynch and her swiss counterparts, michael lauer, who surprised blatter by waiting him in his office after friday s executive committee meeting surrounded by police when they interrogated and searched his office. both loretta lynch and michael lauber gave updates although it s not protocol. until they got something