the living room looked fine and i said, okay. sam? nobody there. reporter: and that s when he saw it. i was like, what the hell is going on here? i freaked out. coming up a father searching for his son finds something he never expected. there s a body in my son s apartment. there s a what? a body. a dead body. and no one can find sam. you think, okay, this guy is potentially very dangerous. he s out there on the street. fight for first dances fight for blast offs fight for piggyback rides fight for 7 am makeouts. every year, walgreens helps millions of people fight the flu. fight to protect the ones you love. walgreens. be a flu fighter.
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apartment. coming up. my phone rings and it s my husband asking me if i m okay and, yes, why? he said, track down everybody. but not everybody could be found. he s missing at the. had been accused of this before and you think this guy is potentially very dangerous. when dateline continues. s fight for blast offs fight for piggyback rides fight for 7 am makeouts. every year, walgreens helps millions of people fight the flu. fight to protect the ones you love. walgreens. be a flu fighter. get your free flu shot today at your neighborhood walgreens.
i ran out of the apartment because i m scared. the 911 operator said, go back in there. oh, god, please. okay, ma am. oh, god. ma am, hold on, honey. all at once just in a flash your life just change. when dateline continues. fight for blast offs fight for piggyback rides fight for 7 am makeouts. every year, walgreens helps millions of people fight the flu. fight to protect the ones you love. walgreens. be a flu fighter. get your free flu shot today at your neighborhood walgreens.
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