whatsoever, no formality, in her pajamas, in this makeshift blanket nest. looking at this laptop screen. and it s it puts military formality alongside modern technology and alongside completely unvarnished agony and i can honestly say i ve never seen anything like it. no, this is something i understand the widow wanted to spend one last night next to her husband before he was interred. and that she was playing on that laptop, songs that were memorable of him things that the two of them had shared. you think about that. it s easy to get all choked up about it. what is it about this weekend, when you think about what s happening and all of these wives that look at this picture, it strikes home to all of them. because there but for the grace of god could go these women. that s exactly right. there s something about the naked vulnerability of this poor widow, news that she has just received. she s expecting their first child together. she s completely bereft.