she s very food-oriented. she s like, yes. yep. and again, it s not something that puts her as being unadoptable. she is an adoptable dog. how hard is it for you just in this little bit of time to be able to tell the dog s personality? it s very difficult. it s not like it s a blanket assessment. like you ve got to really work with them in order to find out what you need to find out about them. next up for evaluation is the large gray pit who was showing signs of aggression. when i m handling a dog that is potentially aggressive i don t want to challenge him. i want him to feel comfortable with me. and what do you look for when you do these evaluations? what i m looking for is adoptability in a dog. mm-hmm. hi, big guy. hello. i m especially looking for aggression. whether it be human aggression, dog aggression, resource, guarding type of things. i m also just kind of keeping an
she came in as a stray. she s a beagle. she s got the hound personality where she s very food-oriented. she s very food-oriented. she s like, yes. yep. and again, it s not something that puts her as being unado unadoptable. she is an adoptable dog. how hard is it for you just in this little bit of time to be able to tell the dog s personality? it s very difficult. it s not like it s a blanket assessment. like you ve got to really work with them in order to find out what you need to find out about them. next up for evaluation is the large gray pit who was showing signs of aggression. when i m handling a dog that is potentially aggressive i don t want to challenge him. i want him to feel comfortable with me. and what do you look for when you do these evaluations? what i m looking for is adoptability in a dog. mm-hmm. hi, big guy.
that these stay in your system into the next day and they can cause daytime sleepiness and hazards on the road. jenna: in your professional opinion, is it more dangerous to have someone on the road who hasn t slept at all, extremely sleep deprived or someone who has taken a sleep aid to go to sleep 12 hours earlier? that s a gret question and probably the number one call i get on the cell phone is from a friend or friend of a friend who wants a sleep pill to sleep better. and the reason i don t recommend that they take it is because sometimes if you re not properly evaluated, it can make your sleep worse. many times sleep problems are from bad air flow or what we call sleep apnea. if you take a sleep medicine on top of that, your air flow is going to be worse. so there are a lot of concerns people have about this blanket assessment that if you have trouble sleeping, a sleep pill will make it better. jenna: is the problem with the