The Athenaeum
The Students’ Representative Council (SRC) is a council composed of a body of students elected by their peers, who are tasked with running the Acadia Students’ Union (ASU). The SRC meets every Friday at 1:00 PM on Teams, however, they would usually meet in the Beveridge Forum located off the Michener Lounge in the Students’ Union Building (SUB). Each meeting is open to the public and students are welcome to attend meetings to learn more about the decisions being made on their behalf.
The council met this Friday with some new faces in the meeting! After general housekeeping (attendance, acceptance of agenda) the council opened up the floor for a question period. Colin Mitchell, recent Acadia Alumni, former Editor-in-Chief for the Athenaeum, Board of Governor Representative, and Arts Senator began the question period.
The Athenaeum
The Students’ Representative Council (SRC) is a council composed of a body of students elected by their peers, who are tasked with running the Acadia Students’ Union (ASU). The SRC meets every Friday at 1:00 PM on Teams, however, they would usually meet in the Beveridge Forum located off the Michener Lounge in the Students’ Union Building (SUB). Each meeting is open to the public and students are welcome to attend meetings to learn more about the decisions being made on their behalf.
The meeting started as per usual with a role call and the passing of the agenda. Chairperson Molly Anderson ensured there were no questions, presented the previous meeting’s minutes, which were quickly accepted, and stated that there were no presentations or tables of matters.