The brainchild of two Helium staffers, Rip City Comedy Fest promises a wealth of dynamic comedy names: Amy Miller, Blair Socci, Curtis Cook, and pro skater turned podcaster Jason Ellis. There's also a night of unreleased video from Lance Bangs on the schedule—that you will not want to miss. Culture Editor Suzette Smith has the breakdown of the fest's ambitious first year.
Every year in Portland there's at least one fresh comedy fest, but the brand new Rip City looks promising. Every show on the schedule has a name you want to see or juicy premise, promising "oh snap" ramifications. That's due largely to the combined comedy scene knowledge of the fest's planners, two Helium staffers.
Watch the return of Hottub with Kurt and Kristen. Celebrate Japanese Heritage Night with the L.A. Kings. Listen to sea explorer and biologist Diva Amon. See artists visualize a Future without Fear.