Unitarian House is Ottawa’s not-for-profit Retirement Home and Senior Apartments. With 45 Retirement Suites and 67 Independent Living Apartments. Our residents enjoy the peace of mind of affordable housing in a warm, caring and community-minded environment.
The main reason why our community is so connected, is our volunteers! We rely on our wonderful volunteers to man our front desk on evenings and weekends, assist with special events and activities, drive our van for outings and appointments, and offer companionship.
• The Multnomah County DA s office announced that a 23-year-old Troutdale man will be sentenced to five years in prison for setting a fire near a police precinct during last year s racial justice demonstrations, as well as other various felonies unrelated to the protests.
• Following a very weird spray-painting attack by a neighborhood Karen, the city announced that at some point the statue/bust of York an enslaved member of the Lewis & Clark expedition will have to come down because it s not built for the weather. But all ideas are on the table about what it will be replaced with, including another bust of York. (Sorry Karen, it probably won t be you!)
disappoint. here now, blair erskine, fake spokesperson for the texas power grid. that s right, and thank you so much for having me. you know, we got a tight hot little grid out there, and we got to take care of it or it s going to bust, okay, and we can t be having that. it will be a mess. so we re just asking the people of texas to make small sacrifices, just little sacrifices, no blood or anything like that. you know, there is an old saying, you can t have the rainbow without the rain, right? well, you can t have light without until we figure out what s going on out there, okay, because texas is set up on a power grid. and what a power grid is, it s something different to everybody, and that s what you got to understand. i mean, would you rather have ac or would you rather have aoc? think about that for a little bit and it will start to make sense. so really all we re asking the people of texas to do is to unplug. just unplug, just relax, you
well, there is trouble in texas once again. texans are being warned right there in big oil country, the energy cradle of america, that they must cut back on electricity this week or lights are going to go out again. by the way, the utility provider there is called ercot, and to prove texas has a sense of humor, it stands for the electric reliability council of texas. but because the electricity is not reliable in texas, people there are being told to set thermostats to 78, turn off lights and pool pumps, god forbid, because of the power plants that are off line and the grid that remains endangered. and then just tonight, enter blair erskine. if you don t know her stuff, you should. she s a writer and a comedian who usually, within hours of a major news story, especially if there are officials to be parodied, she is up with a new video and tonight she did not
Views: Yes, Senator Cruz is in Cancún right now, but you know here in his offices we say Big Whoop . Senator Cruz deserves to relax, unwind, unplug, recharge, you know like you would a power outlet. Or his power grid is going to go out, said his spokesperson, comedian Blair Erskine.
Statement from Director of Communications for Sen. Ted Cruz pic.twitter.com/5cXIkTTZiW
As for Senator Cruz, seems he s now beating a hasty retreat back to Houston with all this negative coverage. Hope his batteries are recharged.
And because it s Ted Cruz and all things awful, he s now requested Houston police assistance getting through the airport terminal when he returns tonight.