TIME admits ‘conspiracy’ of a ‘cabal of powerful people’ heavily influenced last election 02/16/2021 at 9:12 AM Posted by Kevin Edward White
Leftist author and journalist Molly Ball chronicles ‘the inside story of the conspiracy to save the 2020 election,’ which involved an array of political, labor, activist and business groups working in coordination.
By Patrick DeLaney, Lifesite News, Tue Feb 9, 2021
February 9, 2021 (LifeSiteNews) A TIME magazine article published on Friday explicitly reveals, in its own words, a “conspiracy” of a “cabal of powerful people” to “fortify” last fall’s election against former President Donald Trump.
In mid-November, while striving to find a suitable venue to adjudicate what they saw to be a clear and widespread enterprise to defraud the American people of their free and fair election, Trump attorney and former mayor of New York City Rudy Giuliani asked at a press conference: “What happened on the morning of N
Look, I don’t mean to reopen old wounds from World War II, but when the Germans say you’re being a social media fascist, more or less, you know you’ve overreached.
Donald Trump that included a promise to jail him, Georgia Governor
Brian Kemp perplexed many by posting a photo of himself at a White House Christmas party Friday night.
Kemp has been one of many targets in Trump’s campaign to whip up outrage among his supporters over his false claims of a stolen election, a campaign that Kemp says has resulted in death threats to his family. And earlier this week, Trump posted a tweet from pro-MAGA attorney
But none of that prevented Kemp and his daughter from showing up to the White House Christmas party Friday night, as evidenced by a pair of photos the governor posted on Twitter.