Situated near the Enfield/East Windsor line on 1658 King St., The Yarde Tavern has become a popular destination over the last decade for locals looking to grab a pint and strike up a conversation.
Situated by the water in the small town of Broad Brook is a hole-in-the-wall restaurant called At The Dam. The building has been there since the 1800s; once as Pigeon’s Pharmacy, then as a mix of different restaurants. It’s passed from owner to owner.
If you’ve spent time in Manchester, you’ve likely seen The Main Pub on the corner of Main Street and Middle Turnpike. It’s rested in the same location for the past 42 years, even if it’s gone through more changes than owner Keith Beaulieu can count.
While most shoppers pick up their weekly loaves from the supermarket, a growing number of bakeries have been sprouting up across Connecticut dedicated to making fresh, hand-prepped breads.
Carol Wilusz’s career has included a 27 year tenure at a five star restaurant, 33 years of hosting karaoke, and time spent teaching dance. It was only natural that her next venture be in hot dogs.