AFTER five weeks of hard work and the helping hand of many, the west Waterford community of Modeligo is preparing to welcome two Ukrainian families this month…
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A Blackwater park has been upgraded ahead of the completion of the new skate park, the first step in creating a multipurpose community hub.
Blackwater Rotary Park has reopened to the public in time for the cooler months, with new facilities fit for weekend crowds.
In addition to the planned soft fall area, the existing amenities block and barbecues were replaced, extra seating and shade shelters were installed and concreting works were completed.
Two local contractors, TWS Constructions and Shamrock Constructions worked simultaneously to complete these upgrades by the end of March.
Rotary Club President, Eric Norton, said the town would benefit greatly from the new facilities.
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Blackwater residents will soon be riding at the town’s own skate park with construction set to start in February.
Central Highlands Regional Council revealed on Thursday the project would begin towards the end of the month.
Final construction plans were revealed to Community Reference Group members this week and included slight changes from the initial concept, with extended shade shelters, additional seating and wider footpath areas.
The project tender was awarded to Queensland-based specialist skate park builder VFG Skateparks Pty Ltd. A view of what the Blackwater Skate Park is expected to look like.
The Queensland Government provided $1 million towards the project through the Active Community Infrastructure Grant program, to enable Queenslanders to participate in sport and recreation activities.