reporter: at this point, a manhunt is on for a suspect who with was obviously armed and is extremely dangerous. it would last nearly five hours and cover roughly 200 miles. authorities say the shooter took off from the bridgewater plazaen and headed to the blacksburg airport in a gray mustang. while on the run he apparently took time out to take credit for his crimes. 8:26 a.m., a manifesto from the shooter gets faxed to abc news. shortly after 10:00 a.m., a man claiming to be the shooter, calls abc and tells them he shot two people. shortly before 11:00, roanoke city police department located flanagan s mustang at the roanoke regional airport. flanagan then left the airport in a chevrolet sonic he had rented earlier in the month. reporter: these tweets started around 11:10. around the same time, police discover he switched vehicles. he s actually posting things to social media while on the run.