Two years ago, the talented Black Rob passed away from various reported health complications, including a heart attack, multiple strokes, diabetes, and kidney failure. It happened in the same one month period where Hip-Hop mourned the passings of (onetime Black Rob collaborator) DMX and Digital Underground's Shock G. The former Bad Boy Records star was
loren send reyes. you were there last night. start with the reaction. what was your impression how the crowd reacted? definitely mixed is the best way i can put it. you had people who were definitely cheering and pulling our their phones and waving and clapping and wanted photos but people were booing. the thing ill thought was interesting was that the p.a. system was blasting acdc s music. black-to-black was playing so it was a lot of noise but i can put it was mixed and almost down the middle. that blasted music really is reminiscent of what happened during the campaign. they would blast music out when the president was either coming in or leaving. at the rallies? at the rallies as well. this is coming off of what happened at the world series game in d.c. the president was not very welcome there according to what remembered from the crowd.