Failure could save South African policing
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South Africa’s recently released crime statistics reveal worrying increases in violent crime for the last quarter of 2020, including for murder, attempted murder, aggravated robbery and rape. They show that rising murder levels that started in 2012 are continuing and nothing done since then is working to reduce them.
Written by ISSAfrica -
If police learn from their mistakes and implement those lessons, South Africa could become a safer place.
South Africa’s recently released crime statistics reveal worrying increases in violent crime for the last quarter of 2020, including for murder, attempted murder, aggravated robbery and rape. They show that rising murder levels that started in 2012 are continuing and nothing done since then is working to reduce them.
Has the South African Police Service (SAPS) failed? Of course it has. But so have all government departments, corporations and non-profit organisations, and not only in relation to crime. At some point, we all fail. Failure is inevitable, but learning from failure is not.
South Africa’s recently released crime statistics reveal worrying increases in violent crime for the last quarter of 2020, including for murder, attempted murder, aggravated robbery and rape. They show that rising murder levels that started in 2012 are continuing and nothing done since then is working to reduce them.
Has the South African Police Service (SAPS) failed? Of course, it has. But so have all government departments, corporations and non-profit organisations, and not only in relation to crime. At some point, we all fail. Failure is inevitable, but learning from failure is not.
The world failed to prepare for the current pandemic. But it has since demonstrated the value of testing, observing, failing and learning in the face of catastrophe, stemming the spread of Covid-19 and developing multiple vaccines in record time.
it was to talk about molestation. you use a phrase black box thinking, and you talk about the day barack obama was inaugurated and wolf blitzer was interviewing you. you said as an african-american man i am absolutely overcome to see the first black president. some people might react to that as, well, maybe you re not a completely objective person on this question because of ration. yeah. well, i think that s absurd. i think that if we when we finally have a woman president, i would expect all women to celebrate that and all men and all people. and so if we have anyone who is doing anything that s a first, whether it s a jewish american, whether it s an hispanic-american or a black american, as someone who is a black person, i can identify with what president obama had to overcome to get where he is. but that doesn t take my brain away. it doesn t make me doesn t, you know, take my objectivity away because i do have a brain,
fast-paced show like morning joe is plenty of pressure, but it was nothing compared to what happened when chris licht was hospitalized with a brain hemorrhage. he ll tell us what he learned when he almost died. and cnn s done lemon on why he decides to reveal he is gay and whether that should affect how he s viewed as a journalist. i m how shouard kurtz, and this reliable sources. mitch daniels is out. mike huckabee is out. donald trump is out. so the press have decided that they re like a sandlot team trying to play in the majors. pundits chatting. pretty amazing how we see into the future, isn t it? take a look. i think the daniels departure really opens up the space for paul ryan like nobody else. ryan s the one guy who has a rendezvous with destiny right now. frankly, we re disappointed. now, obviously, we have to start looking. and i was just saying this morning maybe it s time to start drafting paul ryan. i just find this the most boring list i ve ever see