Randal Sprecher doesn’t mince words. After 30 years at the helm of the Milwaukee brewery that bears his name, he’s seen enough to know what he likes, to realize what works and what doesn’t, and to have opinions that can be taken as fact. He was just a few days removed from the Sprecher Brewery
Plus, Sprecher Fest, Tosa Makers Market, sunset canoeing and Fourth of July festivities. By Michael Holloway - Jul 2nd, 2021 02:15 pm //end headline wrapper ?>Washington Park Urban Ecology Center. Photo from the City of Milwaukee.
It’s the Fourth of July weekend and even though Summerfest isn’t happening at its usual time and the Veterans Park fireworks have been canceled, there are still plenty of other firework shows to celebrate the holiday with a bang. There’s also some weekend long events like the annual Sprecher Fest and a gaming convention hosted by Midwest Gaming Classic.
July 1-3: Sprecher Fest 2021