Walker, Smith right choices for Alton
Luther Simmons, Jr.
We, are a coalition of Black Alton natives who remain civically engaged in our hometown community, support Brant Walker for Mayor and Tammy Smith for Alderwoman.
Under Walker’s leadership downtown Alton is no longer ravaged by 100 year floods, city streets are being paved, home ownership assistance programs have helped 200 Altonians achieve the dream of home ownership, Pre covid unemployment was at a very respectable 4%, Killion Park (Salu) facilities have been improved for our youth, and diversity and inclusion at city hall is higher than that of all previous Alton mayors combined. Also, the list of Mayor Walker’s Community Policing programs is far too numerous to mention here.
Lecture focuses on African American smbition in era of slavery
Feb. 8, 2021
EDWARDSVILLE The life and experiences of Black influencer Conway Barbour serve as the foundation of Southern Illinois University Edwardsville’s first Sankofa Lecture and Dialogue Series presentation of 2021.
The ongoing series, featuring conversations on the history of slavery and its lasting legacies, is organized through SIUE’s Truth, Racial Healing and Transformation Campus Center, specifically its membership of the international Universities Studying Slavery consortium.
Victoria Harrison, PhD, instructor in the Department of Historical Studies, will present, “Fight Like a Tiger: African American Ambition in the Era of Slavery” at 7 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 24 via Zoom. Registration is available at https://siue.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN ttL7EX8SSU-eYzav3EEJXA.