Security cover was beefed up for Telangana BJP president Bandi Sanjay Kumar on Tuesday. Bandi Sanjay will not only get a 1+5 security personnel around him but also have a rope around him so as to protect him from any threat. The police have arranged for an additional escort vehicle for him. Security has tightened security cover for Bandi Sanjay in Hyderabad.
Congress leader and MP Revanth Reddy was detained by police for planning to organise a protest on Thursday, February 17, the birthday of Telangana CM K Chandrashekar Rao.
After GHMC, Dubbaka TRS Afraid To Hold Warangal Civic Polls: Bandi Jan 06, 2021, 12:38 IST
WARANGAL: Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)Telangana Unit Chief Bandi Sanjay said that the TRS Government was afraid of holding polls to the Warangal Civic body.Speaking during a rally held in Warangal on Tuesday, the BJP leader said that after the BJP won the Dubbaka Assembly elections and gained strength in the GHMC Council with 48 seats, the TRS was now fearing to hold elections for the civic body.
The BJP MP also accused the Government for diverting funds released by the Centre for the development of the city. The BJP came out with various lapses by the Government, in respect to the refusal of the flood compensation to Warangal. He also fired the government over the non-payment of money to the unemployed youth in the city, which was accumulating. He also said that the masks were being provided to the police personal and