Press release content from Globe Newswire. The AP news staff was not involved in its creation.
Moore Kuehn Encourages CBMG, CLCT, TNAV, and ARA Investors to Contact Law Firm
Moore KuehnDecember 29, 2020 GMT
NEW YORK, Dec. 29, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) Moore Kuehn, PLLC, a securities litigation law firm located on Wall Street in downtown New York City, is investigating potential claims concerning whether the following proposed mergers are fair to shareholders. Moore Kuehn may ultimately seek increased consideration, additional disclosures, or other relief and benefits on behalf of the shareholders of these companies: Cellular Biomedicine Group, Inc. (NASDAQ: CBMG)
A proxy was recently filed with the SEC regarding the acquisition of Cellular Biomedicine by a consortium led by the company’s CEO Bizuo Liu. Under the proposed transaction, shareholders of Cellular Biomedicine will receive $19.75 for every share owned. The investigation concerns whether Cellular Biomedicine�