Marcus Daly Hospital Plans Second Dose Pfizer Immunization
Over 900 people received their First Dose of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine three weeks ago at Marcus Daly Memorial Hospital. It s time now for the Second Dose of the vaccine and the hospital will repeat the procedure of the earlier Clinic this Saturday, March 6th.
Only those who were at the first clinic are to come to this clinic. They will come at the same time they were scheduled in the initial February 13th clinic. The time is listed on their appointment reminder card. This is by appointment only.
There will be no online sign-ups and no walk-in appointments. Only the second dose of the Pfizer vaccine will be administered. The location is the same as February 13 - the Bitterroot Physicians Clinic at 1200 Westwood Drive, Hamilton. The recipients are in Phase 1A and 1B. Phase 1B includes those 70 years of age and older, people 16-69 with high-risk medical conditions and American Indian and other people of color who may be