anybody else? tucker: tom hanks works in the movie business hisod peers would be deeply offended by the tape they saw they are not. keep in mind that hollywood once produced a lead character character wore blackface much of the film. soul man came out in 1986. if that seems like a long time ago. after ronald reagan martin luther king the subject of a national holiday. attitudes in america weren t much that different back then. blackface was not a mainstream phenomenon in 1986. hollywood just couldn t imagine living by its own rules then or now. it s s pretty clear that the very people most likely to wear blackface are also the most likely to demand that you get fired if you do the same. that s the definition of
his agenda, it s working, the evidence is in, the economy is booming like never before. and just today, new numbers. the labor department announced big news. a whopping 250,000 more new jobs added in just the month of october, shattering all expectations, even in spite ofad a hurricane. unemployment is at a 49 year low, 3.7%. we now have a record number of americans employed and wage growth, look at this number. it s s now surging past 3%, that means real money in real people s pockets for the first time since 2009. overall, nearly 4.5 million jobs have been added since president trump has been elected. keep in mind, we already haveve record low unemployment forbe hispanic americans, african-americans, asian-americans, women in the workplace, youth unemployment. we literally have more jobs
if it was vox, vox isn t sending their best. we have an individual that works for this tech site saying something who was san observant who is an observant jew is putting other jews on the train meaning the trump train and can t ever look passed that. i think he s jewish as well but coming from him who i believe is jewish, is that have any special significance to you? is it a self-clothing deal? what is self-loathing deal? what is it? the way the left works these days, anyone who disagrees with them is a nazi. it s s not a giant surprise. i really find is it a sur i really find it a surprise that they do that. laura: ben, others on the left haveth gone from their never-trump mania to just, you know, completely out of touch with the reality of politics
membership? my favorite godzilla artifact is built on the moon? this sounds great. this is stuff i guess you can this is something they do to like hide money or pay less taxes. i m sure it s greg: it s thes cayman islands. a charitable donation to build bridges on the moon. how much did you use for that, sir? $10 billion. look how miserable that guy is that went to the moon, we never went back. weuy went there for a reason. this place sucks, we never went back. greg: you go to mexico, you re like i m going to go back. you go to moon, and there s nothing to do there. why go to the moon when you have texas. there s so much space in texas. texas is our moon, i think. it s s got a lot of space. i have no desire to go to the moon. i have a very hard time getting myself to even leave my apartment at all.
are a little younger thanyo gregg jarrett and i, but you ve got to be worried about the future of this country, for your generation, and future generations, if the rule of law is thwarted like this. absolutely i am. the question isn t if. there is political bias, the question isn t if they are trying to destroy president trump, it s why. why are you doing this to try to take down this president that is doing great things for the american people? whyhi are you doing this, the supporters that voted for him, for someone that is making real change? why are you trying so hard to take him down? that is my question. i find it sick and disgusting. sean: all great questions. it was always a myth that collusion in a political campaign is a crime. it s s not. and it was never a scintilla of evidence that president trump engaged in some collaboration with the russians. so this was all manufactured.