actually hard to spend it all. so it s out i there sloshing around. i could figure it out. sean: well, you know i, we re at full employment still and we still o telling everybody we re a recession, we re driving up rates. it sn rates very hard to know s going to happen next. lawrence summers said that if we want to endsaidf inflation, we need in one year 10% unemployment. themployment. there s noer way we re getting there. there is no way we re getting to 10 percent unemployment. not this time.e that means inflation goegettins on longer. yes.unha and that s whyt you saw today.n it was an interesting day because he made the announcement. the market actually went up. and thenent, by the time he waspres midway through the press conference, he was hawkishnferee and the market cratered 500d points because it s clear that he s not worried aboutg any the banks and the banking crisis anymore. he s not worried about that. he s nt he s after inflation. that means mor
passes more quickly or more slowly, simply that it doesn t pass because it s always four in the morning. well, flamini spent much of her time underground, exercising, knitting and reading , getting through 60 books and 500 days and one of her first requests after getting out a shower. this hour in the newsroom. leila harrack in bruno bird picks up our coverage after a quick break and i ll see you tomorrow. same place, same time. meet kerri and sheri. they started apparel company for women who ride business took off . they n needed alone. smart business loans dot com found t e bank which along with a great rate, smart biz, we probably wouldn t have gotten alone smart business loans .com. you know how sometimes you re just kind of brushing your teeth, anthen all of a sden? it sn. wit roman. you can take care of
false? because if they re false, why didn t he bring a defamation claim? so it kind of makes no sense? it really reads to me like he s just trying to put his defense in the criminal case out and try and get his his his statements out there in the court of public opinion, because if you remember judge marshawn basically warned everyone about trying this case in the public and doing anything to affect the criminal trial. now he s going to say, well, i legitimately was able to put everything out there because it sn . and so it s juse timing is suspect. the claims are suspect, and i also logistically don t see how this is going to work because if, in the course of a civil matter, donald trump would be subject to discovery and depositions. and what is he going to do? this information yet he s the one who allegedly brought the suit. i also think it s worth noting that there is a little bit of
see is that is interesting, you know, coincidence. and, you know, it sn. a distraction. she s getting better reading, but that s her best defense. now, it makes sensr bee. all u they re rushinndg to sweep it al under the rug after we learn one familiar name was involvedt that was submerged kind of in jask s big reveal, james baker. no, not the former secretary of state, this baker.e now, you may remember that he was at the heart of the russia collusion hoax while he was general counsel for the fbi. it was there in 2016 where he linked up democrat hitman fbi michael sussmann with top fbi investigators. 2020 stay with me in june of 2020 in the middle of that contentious presidential election, twitter conveniently announceidentialtion, twd that g on board as deputy general counsegeneral l. the s now, ichn the scheme to suppress thenew york post report about one hundredth laptop came to baker s desk. he claimed i t was reasonablewere
yes. qu. because you read the packet.a i wanted you to run a quiz. i was going to ace the quiz but you want to read them allal. and be the know it all. you just want to be the winner every time. will i don t use slang because nobody can understand what i m saying anyway. they re yeah, i knew some bussin js and bit but i did nosit know no qep. so you don t. , no.t know i thin ck of those. busson would be the leadingen edge. right. like you would be untraine on the most with that and no cap. and when i m getting lectured on slang by a guy older than i am, i just think he just found that out. i did his janjic headsetsica and finally. i don t think so.and finally- i ve got to wear tightu. titanium s drunk, tight means drunk. s an it s an old word from like prohibition when we were kids type. it sn like means drunk. anyway, go ahead. okay, we re just going here. to tease.