14th of 1996. then i want to talk to you on the other side, let s listen. all right. oh, wait, i don t have it, i don t have. it sir, i save. you let me read to you what you said on meet the press. what was it about, ali? you said it is about negotiations around the budget. then you said we are miles and miles away on a basic, just on a basic issue like welfare reform. we can t even reach agreement on whether able-bodied people within the ages of 18 and 50 who get food stamps ought to be required to go to work. we are so far away. frankly, it is there. so my point is, you were having very much the same discussion, it sounded like kevin mccarthy was having with the white house, in 1996. your comment? well, you know, we had welfare reform. the republicans and democrats reached an agreement on welfare inform. and people who were really worried about it said it would be terrible.
superheroes and think that they want to go out and protect the world and, unfortunately, they are not trained. then this whole gun thing becomes a part of who they are and this is why you hear people over and over and over again talk about the love of their gun. i m a gun lover. you know, i love my children. i love my dog. i love my family, you know. i love my staff, but i don t love a gun, and i don t love a killing machine, and i think in society we ve gotten to the point where, you know, we ve embraced guns before we embrace people, and i think that s an unfortunate state of where we are as a country is that we re always going to the negative. i have to wear this gun because every single day i m thinking about killing or dying. yeah. that s a killing. texas representative jarvis johnson, a democrat. thank you so much for your time today. we appreciate, it sir. ahead, crawling through barbed wire, writing on top of a freight train, the dangerous
[applause] at the end of the day anyone else will be intimidated, bought off, blackmailed or ripped to shreds. i alone will never retrieved that is why we must stand together we have to charge full speed ahead. i had a beautiful life before he did this. i lived in luxury, i had everything. people said to me are you sure you want to do it sir? i said this will be so amazing. [laughter] what did you get me into? i did not know the word subpoena i did not know the word grand jury. grand jury, i did not know they want to lynch you for doing nothing wrong. i did not know they wanted to lynch for doing a great job for a did not know they want to push away because your poll numbers are better than anybody they ve seen in years.
defense s expert that says the shooter could not have been six feet four inches tall like alex murdaugh? i think it s a flawed opinion. prosecutors tried to damage the defendant s credibility as a witness. former sheriff contradicted murdaugh s testimony that he gave last week in which murdaugh said he had asked the sheriff s permission to install blue lights on a vehicle for his personal use. matter of fact, i never had a conversation with anyone in my 39 years about installing blue lights in your personal vehicle. that s not something that s done, is it sir? oh no, no. closing arguments are expected to get underway once the jury returns from moselle. dana: jonathan serrie, thank you. we are the good guys that even on our worst day, the rest of the world is still looking to
levels and going back to what was said in the last segment by the retired captain, this touches cuts deep in the black community that block police officers, knowing the narrative in that community. knowing the experience of black men in relation to the policing in this country would do that. what so this respect, not just a community but their own families. it is so many aspects of this that are just tough to swallow right now. yes, michael steele, as always thank you for lending your time. appreciate it sir. after the break everybody, i know many of you asked why i was not in this chair over the past couple of weeks. maybe you didn t but sounded. i will finally tell you why. and what it taught me, hopefully. that is coming up next. coming up next