6 May 2021 – Regina, Saskatchewan – Today, the Bishops of Canada launch a national, bilingual service for reporting situations of clergy sexual abuse either committed or covered-up by a Bishop. This service furthers their commitment to start to work toward responsibility, accountability and transparency in matters of clergy sexual abuse and their commitment to facilitate what structures are needed for to help victim/survivors move forward.
In 2019, Pope Francis’ Apostolic Letter
Vos estis lux mundi (You are the light of the world) was issued after victims/survivors continued to ask for accountability from bishops. In his Letter, the Pope calls on dioceses and eparchies throughout the world to establish “.one or more public, stable and easily accessible systems for submission of reports…”. With
After having endured the pain and torment of clergy sexual abuse, beginning to talk about it can be a terrifying task. The wounds and pain of that experience are real. Sharing that information through a reporting process may be overwhelming and terrifying. For many that have gone to the church to share their experience, the response has not been positive. This needs to change. With the assistance of victims, the Archdiocese of Regina has been working on various structures and policy changes so that victims can be accompanied and supported as they come forward. It is our intent that anyone coming forward with a report against a bishop would also be accompanied and supported in that process.