Bishop Richard Laurenson was ordained as the fourth Bishop of Hamilton in a solemn and dignified liturgy at the Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin Mary on the evening of December 8, the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
The Dunedin Diocese synod hui struck a bit of initial turbulence at its startup at St Patrick’s Basilica, South Dunedin, on November 18. The keynote speaker, Dr Therese Lautua, a theologian from Auckland, missed her flight to Dunedin earlier in the morning, and had to arrange a later arrival.
St Joseph’s Cathedral, Dunedin, attracted a full congregation to its much heralded 10.30am Solemn Mass, on November 19, which witnessed some significant changes in the sanctuary area – which was to the satisfaction of many.
Newly ordained Bishop of Palmerston North Bishop John Adams remembered receiving the Apostolic Nuncio’s call with “ a certain mixture of both honour and trepidation”.
Two angels that have had a very secluded existence for well over 50 years have been released from their confinement in a small room at the third level of the north tower of St Joseph’s Cathedral in Dunedin. However, there is a slight problem in that they have lost their wings.