Father Jerry Kaywell, a Florida priest and Grammy-winning recording artist, has been placed on leave due to alleged sexual misconduct with a minor a decade ago.
I recently received the following email (lightly edited by me) from Father Christopher Senk of Fort Myers, Florida:
I have not been allowed to function as a priest since October 28, 2016. My accusations were largely brought by the relatives of a parishioner with whom my bishop colluded for more than two years without my knowledge. A civil investigation exonerated (‘not guilty’) me of any crime involving the taking advantage of a vulnerable adult.
The Diocese of Venice in Florida will hold a Eucharistic Congress in Fort Myers on Saturday, March 25. The event, to be held at the Caloosa Sound Convention Cen
The Diocese of Venice in Florida will hold a Eucharistic Congress in Fort Myers on Saturday, March 25. The event, to be held at the Caloosa Sound Convention Cen