monday s campaign and the current poor people s campaign. why, bishop curry, do you think it is important at this time to recenter the poor and why take that message to the white house? well, it s important for a variety of reasons. one, as dr. king once said, we will either learn to live together as brothers and sisters or perish together as fools. those of us who are christian believe in following the way of jesus, and jesus was the one who said blessed are the poor, and blessed are the poor in spirit, that the way we show and live love in a practical way is through our compassion, through our works of justice, through our work of taking care of each other. when jesus was asked about judgment day, which was a way of asking what does god care about, he said, did you feed me when i was hungry? did you clothe me when i was faked? all of that parable in matthew 25 is about human beings taking care of each other, because we are all children of god. yes, indeed. bishop barber the episc