15 years later.years anyway, gavin newsom has donlae such a terrible job in california, voters forced him to beg for his job in a recall election. pretty humiliating. is mo now with more ohio ohio senator j.d. vance, what do you make iset? sanders has been on the job a month. she gave a great speecgreat speg night as gavin newsom thatavmid intimidated by one month of sarah sanders being governor .? well, i think that sarah just poked at something that s got to bother gavin newsom, whic ih is that he is te governor of what was once one of the most beautiful and prosperousl states inertain the union. p and he s allowed certain places in that state to becom e like a third world country, a shot.ng i take no pleasure in saying this is ohio senator , but you a go to los angeles, you go to san francisco. these are places that used are places tworl to be the center of worldty and prosperity. and now you have open ai r drugnodrug markets, homeless tent citiesrk, as far as the eye can see. so
0 always good to see you. b if joe biden runs, i ll be running over him.r i mean, with himwi, whatever .a prepositions don t matter. thank you for your time, madam president . well, the propaganda nevere if ends. we ll see if that tha actually works. that s it for us tonight.t. we are out of time, sadly. be back 8:00 a p.m. every night. the show is the sworn enemy of lying, pomposity, smugness and groupthink. have the best time with thee yo ones you love to see tomorrow.to and welcome to hannity in, and tonight show. the numbers are in biden s state of the union wasster. a disaster. 30%ership was down nearly . and those who did tune in, they were not very impressed at all. now the lies were nonstop. and worst of all, biden falselye accused unnamed republicans of plotting to end and take awad yd social security and medicare from grandma and grandpa. well, tonight, m a and gr we do have good news. we did find the unnamed lawmaker who called for an end to social security and medicar
Introduction: Water quality has become a global concern in the twenty-first century. Data from the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goal 6 suggests that only 56% of the world’s domestic wastewater is treated. However, the majority of countries (especially developing nations) do not gather water quality data on a regular basis. This implies that the health ofIntroduction: Water quality has become a global concern in the twenty-first century. Data from the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goal 6 suggests that only 56% of the world’s domestic wastewater is treated. However, the majority of countries (especially developing nations) do not gather water quality data on a regular basis. This implies that the health of » ISET CSR
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