Speaking on the sidelines of the event, Rahul Gandhi said: I ve come here to give a message to those who think that they can run roughshod over Tamil people, can push aside Tamil language & Tamil culture."
Bird flu has not spread among chickens in Delhi, an official said on Thursday after all the 100 samples taken from Asia s largest poultry market in Ghazipur tested negative, following which Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal ordered opening of the mandi while all the three municipal corporations in Delhi lifted the ban imposed on sale, storage of poultry or processed chicken meat. Welcoming the Delhi government and civic authorities decision, Union Animal Husbandry Minister Giriraj Singh said that Delhi government s decision to open Ghazipur poultry market will send a positive message throughout the country. Earlier, samples taken from crows and ducks at parks and lakes in the national capital tested positive for the avian influenza.
ख़बर सुनें
आसमान में उड़ रहे पक्षी की अचानक कत्यूर बाजार में गिरकर मौत हो गई। लोगों ने तत्काल इसकी सूचना पशुपालन विभाग को दी गई। पशुपालन विभाग के अधिकारियों ने मरे पक्षी का सैंपल लेकर वन विभाग के जरिये जांच को बरेली भेज दिया है। घटना के बाद नगर पालिका ने बाजार को सैनिटाइज कराया।
बृहस्पतिवार को सुबह आसमान में उड़ रहा एक पक्षी अचानक फड़फड़ाकर कत्यूर बाजार में गिर गया। व्यापारियो�
Bird Flu: All Three Delhi Civic Bodies Ban Chicken In Shops, Restaurants
Testing of samples of crows and ducks had confirmed bird flu cases in the national capital on Monday PTI Outlook Web Bureau 2021-01-13T15:50:47+05:30 Bird Flu: All Three Delhi Civic Bodies Ban Chicken In Shops, Restaurants outlookindia.com 2021-01-13T20:22:24+05:30
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Earlier in the day, the North Delhi Municipal Corporation had issued the order.
The order was issued by the veterinary services department of the NDMC. The order also states that owners of restaurants and hotels will face action if found serving egg-based dishes or poultry meat and other products to customers.
Bird flu: The advisory also cautioned people to not touch dead birds with naked hands. If any bird is found dead, one should contact the control room at phone number 23890318, the advisory said