February 4 is a special day for Ekushey Padak winning legendary actor, director and play-wright Abul Hayat. It was on this day in 1970, that he had started his married life with Mahfuza Shirin. Together, they have completed 53 years together, happily stepping onto their 54th year.
A diverse group of people, heading towards the Indian border, during the tumultuous time of 1971. They are all captured by the loss they have endured, burdened by the anxiety of the uncertain. Yet, a string of hope ties them all together. This unique plot and its excellent execution make “Joyjatra” one of the finest works based on the Liberation War. The movie begins in a
Many popular television faces have moved abroad for a better future and brighter perspective. Actress Priya Dias posted some beautiful pictures from a friend's get-together at Queens, New York in the USA.
Remember Shejuti from Hoichoi’s popular web series "Money Honey", co-directed by Tanim Noor and Krishnendu Chattyopaddhyay? The character was donned by actress Nishat Priom, who began her journey in showbiz through television commercials.
Today marks 52 years of conjugal life for noted actor and theatre personality Abul Hayat. The Ekushey Padak Awardee returned home after vacationing in the USA with Bipasha Hayat and Tauquir Ahmed. During Eid, the artiste can be seen in a project directed by Hanif Sanket. As he was on vacation, he could not work on any other projects.