Bollywood stunner Bipasha Basu and husband Karan Singh Grover, who got married in April 2016, welcomed their first child, a baby girl, in November last year. Five months after embracing parenthood, the couple has finally revealed the face of Devi Basu Singh Grover in a cute post.
Bipasha Basu and Karan Singh Grover, on August 16, officially announced that they are expecting their first child together. The couple treated their fans to an adorable photo, take a look.
Bipasha Basu and Karan Singh Grover shared the happy news of expecting their first child together in August via a social media post. On August 16, the Dhoom 2 actress shared pics flaunting her baby bump and the doting husband posed beside her. On September 23, the couple hosted a second baby shower.
In the picture, parents-to-be Bipasha Basu and Karan Singh Grover were seen smiling for the camera while hugging each other. Bipasha looked beautiful in a black sheer dress while his Karan was seen wearing a cream-coloured printed oversized shirt.