Bill providing an additional 3 trillion in coronavirus economic stimulus. We expect to see that bill on the floor tomorrow. Also to discuss promoting voting and Committee Work. And now back to the start of todays hearing, this is cspan3. [inaudible conversations] the rules committee will come to order. Before i give my Opening Statement i just want to read a guidance from the attending physician, doctor monahan. We asked him specifically about the use of face coverings during proceedings like these and while he has not mandated their use he did share that and i quote, my preferences that members retain their face coverings when speaking as an activity which can release virus particles. Especially if the speaking is of a highspirited nature. S ive never had a meeting in the rules committee that hasnt been of a highspirited nature so we will leave it up to individual members to decide but i think to be cautious here i will keep mine on and i hope that everybody else will be mindful of th
Central part of the country. 202 7488001 for the Mountain Time zone. Send us a text, tell us where you are texting from and your name at 202 7488003. We also welcome your comments on twitter and on facebook, facebook. Com cspan. In many parts of the country, decent weather over the weekend, drawing people out, combined with looser restrictions in some states. An Associated Press story and the Washington Times, wellbehaved crowds coming to beaches and parks. Everyoneweather to seemed to cooperate at an oceanfront park on saturday as new jersey reopened its state parks, people itching to get sand between their toes after months of being cooped up. Island beach state park was among the parks to reopen, drawing several hundred to a beach that routinely handles thousands during the summer. Hours, almost all of the crowd stated six feet apart. They also right that the new jersey governor said he was pleased with the initial reports, not only from the beachfront park, but other state resorts
The speaker pro tempore the house will be in order. The chair lays before the house a communication from the speaker. The clerk the speakers rooms, washington, d. C. May 15, 2020. I hereby appoint the honorable Diana Degette to act as speaker pro tempore on this day. Signed, nancy pelosi, speaker of the house of representatives. The speaker pro tempore the prayer will be offered by our chaplain, father conroy. Chaplain conroy let us pray. Compassionate and merciful god, thank you for giving us another day. Send down your spirit upon this chamber. May your protective energy banish all malicious elements, and your healing presence inspire the members of this peoples house to recognize and accept the awesome responsibility that is theirs. N this difficult time. Continue to bless all those whose lifes work is in bringing your healing to all those stricken by the coronavirus. Finally, on this peace officers memorial day, we give you thanks for the men and women in blue who stand watch every
Republican and democrat caucuses are teleworking, so there is virtually zero staff running around the office buildings. Just the staff in the capital and those on the floor. If you turn on cspan during those debates, you saw people wearing masks, people in a very orderly fashion coming in and out to vote. They were safe. Each voting machine was cleaned. And we can come back to the capitol and do it in a way that is safe for everybody. Host are you frustrated that you are not back this week . Guest it was like pingpong last week. One day we were told by the majority that we were coming back to washington, in less than 24 hours they changed their minds. That is part of the issue that we have. We can come together, and we do, in a bipartisan way. We talk about how to use technology. We talk about implementing it into our house operating systems and artificial responsibilities, but at the same time we have to respect the fact that there are no rules that would allow for remote booting or t
78, hou resolution 965 authorg mote vg oceeding due to novelote coronavirus dor other puos. Thear o tempor purs to house resolutn 967, the resolution i consideredead and debatabl for on hour, eal divided and controlled by the chair and ranking mber on th comttee the gentleman from husett mr. Mcgern, and the ntleman from oahoma,r. Le, ch wil tro 20 minutes. Mr. Mcve i asknanimous revise and extend their remks. The speaker prtempore witho ctn. Mrmcgovern ware in the mit of a pandemic the likesf ich thed hasnseen in his instution, which adopted to cllges and apt contie tlegislate in, ring this blic hlt vid19 is tthree times in theormal cle, oneerso thoronavirld kick off to 59,000 new iections. P think abouthat and think about the way wepeteere. Members travelrom theirme spoto nveneere togetr ot the capitol comex and we travel back home and we repeat is proceon after mth after mon. Mcgovern we cod symptomatic, carers nonetheless. Coeningongrs must notur techlogy has changed years. Ablyver