Fortress Biotech, Inc. (NASDAQ:FBIO – Get Rating)’s share price crossed above its two hundred day moving average during trading on Tuesday . The stock has a two hundred day moving average of $0.76 and traded as high as $0.81. Fortress Biotech shares last traded at $0.79, with a volume of 534,565 shares changing hands. Analyst […] upgraded shares of Fortress Biotech (NASDAQ:FBIO – Get Rating) from a sell rating to a hold rating in a research note issued to investors on Tuesday morning. Other analysts have also recently issued research reports about the company. Cantor Fitzgerald restated an overweight rating on shares of Fortress Biotech in a report on Monday, […]
Roth Capital reiterated their buy rating on shares of Fortress Biotech (NASDAQ:FBIO – Get Rating) in a research note released on Tuesday, reports. Other research analysts also recently issued research reports about the stock. raised shares of Fortress Biotech from a sell rating to a hold rating in a research note on Saturday, […]
Fortress Biotech (NASDAQ:FBIO – Get Rating)‘s stock had its “speculative buy” rating reaffirmed by research analysts at Benchmark in a note issued to investors on Thursday, Benzinga reports. They presently have a $5.00 price objective on the biopharmaceutical company’s stock. A number of other equities analysts also recently commented on FBIO. Roth Capital reaffirmed a […]
Fortress Biotech (NASDAQ:FBIO – Get Rating)‘s stock had its “buy” rating restated by stock analysts at Roth Capital in a research report issued on Tuesday, reports. A number of other analysts have also commented on FBIO. Cantor Fitzgerald reissued an “overweight” rating on shares of Fortress Biotech in a report on Monday. raised […]