/PRNewswire/ BioEcho Life Sciences GmbH, an innovative manufacturer of nucleic acid purification solutions for molecular diagnostics and life sciences.
/PRNewswire/ BioEcho Life Sciences GmbH, an innovative manufacturer of nucleic acid purification solutions for molecular diagnostics and life sciences.
EchoLUTION RNA extraction method speeds up SARS-CoV-2 PCR tests
The EchoLUTION Viral RNA/DNA Swab Kit allows a very fast and efficient viral RNA purification within just 5 minutes. Unlike conventional bind-wash-elute methods, all impurities are held back by the purification matrix and the nucleic acid is running through in a single purification step. This results in highly pure RNA for extremely reliable RT-qPCR with no inhibitory effects or reagent carry-over. The speed of the extraction method contributes to faster COVID-19 tests in general. The system is compatible with commonly available transport media.
BioEcho has built a highly flexible working environment, including scalable production capacities, which has enabled them to avoid any backorder situations even during these periods of high demands.