so we see whatever they accuse everyone else of they are guilty of the exact same thing and worse. los angeles city council america second-largest city and by democrats for decades. now engulfed in a racism scandal of their own making as they always say when they tell you who they are, believe them. here s what the president shootings of mexican americans a lot of little short dark people who are so ugly. he adopted black son a little monkey. his father who is gay she calls a little bit. homophobia from those who never stopped leaving the rainbow flags inquiry did not slip through the bigoted slur. for three days martinis trying to cling to power with her $200,000 salary and the other councilmembers in mashed in the filth have a no shame? no. they don t. because they truly have convinced themselves that there moral superiority regardless of what they say or do. revealed this week the most sanctimonious of them all, obama with his very own deplorable moments behind closed doo
so we see whatever they accuse everyone else of they are guilty of the exact same thing and worse. los angeles city council america second-largest city and by democrats for decades. now engulfed in a racism scandal of their own making as they always say when they tell you who they are, believe them. here s what the president shootings of mexican americans a lot of little short dark people who are so ugly. he adopted black son a little monkey. his father who is gay she calls a little bit. homophobia from those who never stopped leaving the rainbow flags inquiry did not slip through the bigoted slur. for three days martinis trying to cling to power with her $200,000 salary and the other councilmembers in mashed in the filth have a no shame? no. they don t. because they truly have convinced themselves that there moral superiority regardless of what they say or do. revealed this week the most sanctimonious of them all, obama with his very own deplorable moments behind closed doo
so we see whatever they accuse everyone else of they are guilty of the exact same thing and worse. los angeles city council america second-largest city and by democrats for decades. now engulfed in a racism scandal of their own making as they always say when they tell you who they are, believe them. here s what the president shootings of mexican americans a lot of little short dark people who are so ugly. he adopted black son a little monkey. his father who is gay she calls a little bit. homophobia from those who never stopped leaving the rainbow flags inquiry did not slip through the bigoted slur. for three days martinis trying to cling to power with her $200,000 salary and the other councilmembers in mashed in the filth have a no shame? no. they don t. because they truly have convinced themselves that there moral superiority regardless of what they say or do. revealed this week the most sanctimonious of them all, obama with his very own deplorable moments behind closed doo
councilmembers in mashed in the filth have a no shame? no. they don t. because they truly have convinced themselves that there moral superiority regardless of what they say or do. revealed this week the most sanctimonious of them all, obama with his very own deplorable moments behind closed doors in june smearing republicans to a global audience sometimes it just turns out they are mean, racist and sexist and angry. the period undiluted hatred and contempt for fellow americans and he presented to represent cynical fraud that shocked that chlorine with no such thing as red states and blue states just united states now with bio sweeping stereotyping this complete
councilmembers in mashed in the filth have a no shame? no. they don t. because they truly have convinced themselves that there moral superiority regardless of what they say or do. revealed this week the most sanctimonious of them all, obama with his very own deplorable moments behind closed doors in june smearing republicans to a global audience sometimes it just turns out they are mean, racist and sexist and angry. the period undiluted hatred and contempt for fellow americans and he presented to represent cynical fraud that shocked that chlorine with no such thing as red states and blue states just united states now with bio sweeping stereotyping this complete