The world’s most famous dimming star is KIC 8462852, better known as “Tabby’s Star” for Tabetha S. Boyajian, the astronomer whose scientific paper in 2015 revealed its peculiar propensity for dimming and glowing at irregular intervals. Speculation on causes for the dimmings ranged from dust rings to planetary debris to a second smaller binary star. Read more »
The updated iteration sports a new Dark mode for Boss CE-1-style tones and a versatile Voice control that aims to grant access to an infinite number of chorus pedal sounds in one box
No ‘Star Wars’ spoiler alert should be needed to remind everyone that Tatooine is the desert planet home of Anakin and Luke Skywalker, and it’s a planet that manages to sustain life (albeit barely) while orbiting a binary star system too close for comfort. That may be true for five other binary star systems where. Read more »
Teatro Chelsea set out to find plays by Latinx playwrights that capture Latinx narratives on the edge of the spotlight, those stories not often told. From 46 submissions, Teatro Chelsea chose six “a-típico” plays four full-length and two one-acts that will leave audiences with jaws dropped, hearts full, and feeling artistically refreshed. The lineup features plays that are in English, Spanish, and bi-lingual.
The stories all vary greatly in subject, theme, setting, and their exploration of human nature: a relationship counselor whose marriage is on the brink, the struggles of a recently released inmate, an openly gay man living unashamed in Ecuador, a support group for alien abduction survivors, the relationship between an autistic astrophysicist and her estranged niece, and a transgender teen coming out to their immigrant family as Hurricane Harvey rages outside.