Kamis 01 Apr 2021 17:41 WIB
Rep: Friska Yolandha/ Red: Elba Damhuri
A man walked pas the trade monitor outside The Indonesian Stock Market. Foto: Antara/Muhammad Adimaja
The Indonesian Stock Exchange closed up 25.93 points or 0.43 percent to 6,011.46 REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA The Indonesian Stock Exchange (IDX) on Thursday (1/4) afternoon closed higher, breaking the psychological level of 6,000 ahead of Easter holiday. The Composite Stock Price Index (IHSG) closed up 25.93 points or 0.43 percent to 6,011.46 positions. The 45 leading stocks or LQ45 Index fell 0.94 points or 0.1 percent to 901.86. The market appreciates the commitment of US President Joe Biden in providing stimulus in the infrastructure sector worth US$ 2 trillion, said Bina Artha Sekuritas analyst Nafan Aji in Jakarta, Thursday.