here in lower manhattan, where the twin towers of the world trade center once stood. the lives lost are never forgotten, thanks to a community of survivors keeping the memories of the fallen alive. now retired new york city firefighter brian maguire was working as a paramedic that day as he watched the second plane slam into the towers before rushing to the scene. within hours, friends he considered family were gone, along with the nearly 3,000 people who died on 9/11, in new york, at the pentagon, and in shanksville, pennsylvania. 11 members from rescue 5 were killed the morning of september 11th. mike was driving. lieutenant harvey harold. all these members here worked the night into the day or the day tour. and they killed all 11. there was only one survivor from
that firehouse that day, billy spade. and i was honored to see him last week. still with us, yes. billy s my hero. they were all great guys. lieutenant harvey harrell, jeff palazzo. he was a younger member of the company. he was actually also in the coast guard. nicky rasamundo. his nickname was nicky love. he had the biggest smile on his face, you ll never see a man with a bigger smile. john bergen. big football player for the fire department team. he was getting ready to open up a bar. a few weeks before the world trade center happened. all great guys. reporter: heroes. absolutely. never forget. it s like yesterday. we miss our friends. reporter: maguire now works