A year marked by COVID-specific regulations still included victories for credit unions
January 07, 2021
WASHINGTON World Council of Credit Unions continued in 2020 to successfully advocate before international standard setting bodies on behalf of the global financial cooperative movement. Here are World Council’s Top 10 International Advocacy Success Stories of the year.
1. Basel AML/CFT Guidance includes World Council Recommendations on Proportionality/Financial Inclusion
The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision issued an updated version of its guidelines on
, with guides on the interaction and cooperation between prudential, and anti-money laundering and combatting the financing of terrorism (AML/CFT) supervisors. The issuance specifically included World Council-recommended language stating that AML/CFT burdens should be proportional and risk-based, informed by banks’ own risk assessment of ML/FT risks. Further, with respect to member/customer due diligence, the gu