the representation of the city, and i became fascinated with this period icy as formative in the contemporary form that new york takes the position on the one hand, you know, these draconian cutbacks, and on the other hand these investments in marketing the image of the city at the same time that, you know, the resources for the livelihood of the city were being taken away. so, i think that while in new york that really fascinated me. and i ve taken that fascination with me to california and tried to convince people in santa cruz of the importance of this, and i think it has residence because i think that, you know, cities around the country when faced with crisis have a lot of these kind of decisions to make about how, how to represent themselves. miriam greenberg is the author, branding your cow city of crisis was sold to the world branding new york a city of crisis sold to the world. .. historian h.w. brands recounts the life of former president franklin delano roose