captioninsponsored by macil/lehrer productions lehre good evening, i m jim lehrer. on the newshour this friy, the lead storypresident obama ns this year s nobel peace prize. ray suarez, jeffrey own and judy woodruff haveur lead story covege; after the other ne of the day, kwame holman reports on ethics charges against veteran w york democrat charles rangel. repubcans are trying to oust the powerful chairman of the hoe ways an mea committee an docrats are fighting back. ehrer: the analysis of david brooks and ruth maus, filling in f mark shields. anmargaret warner tells the story of smashing 2 acecraft into theouth pole of the moon; major funding for the newsur with jim lehrer is provideby: ( hard rock guitar rf playg ) are intel, onsors of tomorrow. chevron. th is the power of human energy. grant thoron. and byhe alfred p. sloan foundation. suppting science, technology, and improved economi performance and nancial literacyn the 21st century. anwith the ongoing suppor