On December 20, 2023, Public Safety Canada issued long-awaited guidance that provides details of the reporting requirements introduced in the Fighting Against Forced Labour and Child Labour in Supply Chains Act formerly Bill S-211. Government institutions and private sector organizations that meet the definition of entity under the Supply Chains Act see our previous blog, Canada Introduces Mandatory Forced Labour Prevention Reporting Legislation will have to 1 prepare a report that is to be uploaded to a government registry and also posted on the entity s website; and 2 respond to an online questionnaire that aligns with the various supplementary information specified in the Act. The first reporting deadline is quickly approaching, with first reports due by May 31, 2024.
Canada is considering implementing new laws regarding supply chain due diligence and other obligations relating to forced labour and child labour. Canadian Senator Julie Miville DechĂȘne introduced Bill S 211. The bill passed the senate and moved to the House of Commons.