new york. every day monday through friday noon to 3:00. here are today s top trenders voted on by you you. state tuned. the number three trender. mitch mcconnell is not a show horse. what kind of a horse is that? mitch is a jen wi genuine ke workhorse. his new ad touts conservative credentials. last year he save 99% of kentuckians from an income tax increase and leading the fight against obamacare. he fights for our value, our future and our jobs. no thanks. i m a horse, not a guinea pig. the number two trender. on the fly. this is how i look from a government drone. everybody look like ants. and this is what i think about it. a house hopeful in montana takes a shot at government
controlled by the wealthy, squashing voices. rich people fund rich people s campaigns who will only help will rich people in the long run when it comes to getting to washington. as vermont senator has warned, it s an al garky. a handful of billionaires having candidates come before them and getting the litmus test that they will support the billionaired a jen tod ed a jed today. that s where we are in america. i vote for democracy. the senator has been right on this issue for years. citizens united and since this law a shrinking number of super rich people have been buying elections around this country. and today s election, special election, here in florida is really a microcosm of a much bigger problem. because what does it say to the